Saturday, December 31, 2011

Faceless Friday

It's been forever since I did a 'Faceless Friday' blog post. I seriously don't know if I even remember what they are?! 

For any of you who have forgotten like me, or are new to reading my blog, I'll give you a quick run through of what 'Faceless Fridays' are. I have been inspired by another blogger called 'Dottie Angel' who will often take self portraits and cut the head off of the photograph. I fell in love with her photographs because it made the picture more interesting, making you focus on the activity or outfit rather than the person's face. I like to post them on Fridays, therefore calling them 'Faceless Fridays'. 

Here are a few of the Faceless Friday photos I have posted in the past to help refresh your memory....

And to add to the list, I have a new photo. I feel that this would be a much better picture if the electrical fence wasn't there, and there was grassy hilltops covered in a mystical fog lingering in the background.....Hmmmm....I bet I could put my photoshop to test on that one!?

I have a few a lot of bloopers to show you, but out of the 32 blooper photos, I'll just shower you 4! 

Keep in mind that these were taken VERY close to Christmas time, but surprisingly it was pretty warm out...not exactly warm enough for a cotton dress and cowgirl boots, but I left my favorite jean jacket in my dorm room. :(  

My sister was willing to take the pictures for me....I thought this would save me time from setting up the self-timer on my camera, but it didn't. We were too busy laughing and crying from laughing too hard, and falling over from crying too much, and then rolling on the muddy ground from falling over too much. Sisters do stuff like that. 

Wind blowing my hair all crazy like. Wind blowing my skirt all crazy like. It just wasn't a good day to wear a dress, but it is the last chance I'll get to wear this dress till spring. And don't even ask what was going on in half of these pictures...I honestly don't know. I was probably laughing too hard to realize that my sister was snapping pictures! Hahaha 

Peace Out! 


  1. I Love These Pictures!

  2. the black and white photo of you and your horse is absolutely beautiful! I love that the focus of the picture is in the center and the background just gives you a feel of different words like, space, country, farm, and emptiness.

  3. Glad the 'faceless fridays' are back! Love your creativity. Mum
