Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 12: YouTube

Day #12: Post your favorite YouTube video or lyrics

I love YouTube! I could seriously spend hours watching music videos, movie trailers, and video footage. It's kinda an addiction that I need to monitor. 

I'm gonna warn you...this music video gets a little crazy! Well, actually A LOT crazy! It is seriously crazy and defiantly on the weird side of the fence! Just remember that I am an art major, and I love to splatter paint T-shirts. Which is probably why this music video appeals to me in the first place! And this is a great song to workout to...if you're into that sorta thing.    

Willow Smith singing Whip My Hair: (keep in mind that this girl, Willow is only 9 years old!) 

Don't say I didn't warn you that the music video/song was crazy! 

Have a great Monday! Peace!

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! of course you picked this song! you ever try whipping your hair? craziness!! once my hair grows out i'm going to try to perfect the whip like the girls in this video. once again... so crazy! :D
